Zero Messenger: Improving and augmenting Facebook Zero's messaging functionality.
Imagine a responsive and dynamic version of Facebook Zero that has images!
Tech: Vue. Extension API. Web Messaging (Cross-document Messaging) API.
Want a serious intro? check my CV!
There isn't much to say about me, but here's a bit of context before you dive into my projects:
The name is Abdeldjalil Hebal, or Djalil for short, or Kaito just because.
My approach to development is straightforward: Making things that users find useful, with a strong focus on ergonomics, minimalism, resilience, performance, and accessibility.
In one word: No-nonsense.
Speaking of nonsense, I am fond of "Alice in Wonderland" and its parodies such as Alice in Blunderand: An Iridescent Dream. Expect to see me reference it every now and then.
So, yeah, about novels, I read both fiction and nonfiction (mostly techy stuff).
Learning is fun. Also, I am a visual learner (whatever that means).
On a related note, I find joy in documenting the intricacies of my projects—be it through detailed READMEs, technical documents that read like stories, or comments that guide fellow developers.
For me, documentation is not just a necessity; it's the narrative that brings code to life.
Once labeled a "creative problem solver," I'll let you be the judge of that.
Zero Messenger: Improving and augmenting Facebook Zero's messaging functionality.
Imagine a responsive and dynamic version of Facebook Zero that has images!
Tech: Vue. Extension API. Web Messaging (Cross-document Messaging) API.
Scraped Sogral's data then presented it in a progressive web app (PWA): Works offline.
Tech: Functional programming style, RamdaJS. NodeJS.
Peer-to-peer web app way for participants to create watch parties of locally stored videos.
Synching videos across the internet.
Tech: React, HTML5 Video, Zustand, WebRTC, MQTT.
A web app to filter League matches using complex queries but an intuitive interface.
Basically a custom query builder.
Tech: React, Zustand, NodeJS, MongoDB.
An overlay for League of Legends to help players track spells without even thinking.
The wowy idea is that you effectively click on two windows at the same time. You may wanna know how it works.
Tech: Java, Java Swing, JNA to interact with Windows APIs.
Why? To hire me, obviously... or to say hi.
Feel free to ask me about those projects (you know, the hows, the whys, and whatnot).
I always try to answer those questions in READMEs, but, eh,